Current Faculty/Staff
Helpful Links
Procedures and Policies
Cultural/Campus Resources
Faculty Staff Care Team
ADA Accommodations
Welcome to Human Resources! The information, summaries, and full-text explanations you will find linked from this page covers a wide range of topics that may be of interest to current Illinois State University employees.
- - the hub for all of your personal profile information, class information for students/faculty, technology help, redbird card, and more
- iPeople - payroll and benefits balances, reports for managers, and time reporting. View iPeople Resources
- Profile - personal information updates including address, phone, and account and identity management
- CMS Benefits Portal - current health benefit enrollment information
- Gender, Pronouns and Names - see how the University handles your information
- News and Notes archive
New Employees
Looking for orientation information? Start here
The Human Resources staff is committed to providing service and guidance in any way we can. Please feel free to contact Human Resources for additional information at (309) 438-8311.