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Informational Picketing Information

An informational picket is a public demonstration by a labor union for the purpose of informing the public about a matter of concern to the Union. Informational picketing is a lawful activity that should be conducted in a peaceful manner that respects and protects the safety of both participants and all other members of our campus community. An informational picket is not a strike and all University employees participating in an informational picket are expected to continue to report for work as scheduled.

Informational picketing on public property is usually lawful so long as the picketing is peaceful, does not create a disturbance, and does not block ingress or egress. Any use of University facilities or space, including, but not limited to, picketing on University property must also be in compliance with University Policy 6.1.1, University Facility and Space Use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What conduct is permitted in an informational picket?


Informational picketing is permitted when the picket is a lawful, peaceful assembly that respects the safety of all individuals, the property of all parties, and the orderly operation of the University.


Informational picketing may not endanger the health and safety of any individual, result in property damage, or disrupt, interfere with, or prevent the orderly operation of the University.

In order to maintain the proper operation of Illinois State University in case of disruptive activity by any persons, University Policy 5.1.12 Proper Operation of University in Case of Disruptive Activities is followed.

Where can an informational picket be held?


Informational picketing can be held in public spaces that will not interfere with University operations unless prohibited by University policy.


Informational picketing is prohibited in closed or unauthorized spaces, private offices or meetings, laboratories, computer centers, Milner Library, indoor areas designated as quiet spaces, areas that contain valuable or sensitive materials, health care clinics or facilities, communication facilities, or any other space where the activity creates a disruption to University operations.

Informational picketing cannot block ingress or egress of any entrance or street.

University Policy 6.1.1, University Facility and Space Use provides a comprehensive list of spaces that are prohibited.

What is prohibited for all employees?

No employee should engage in arguments or shouting matches with picketers.

If passage to University facilities is blocked, you should not attempt to enter and should contact ISU police and your supervisor for assistance.

If subjected to threatening behavior, call ISU police and write down a description of any behavior that was threatening. In the event of an emergency threatening the safety of property or persons, the aggrieved person or a witness should immediately report the behavior to ISU Police. ISU Police will continue to observe their normal procedures in these regards.

What is allowable and unallowable for Department Heads, Chairs, Supervisors, and any other Administrative Officials?


Respect the employees' right to participate or not to participate in an informational picket.

Employees should not miss work during an informational picket, please document any time an employee misses from work/assigned duties.

Write down a description of any activity that is disruptive.

Consult with HR if an employee engages in any prohibited activity or otherwise violates University policy during an informational picket. You must consult with HR prior to taking any type of disciplinary action as a result of this behavior.


Whether an employee chooses to participate in the informational picket or not, don't:

  • Threaten
  • Punish
  • Promise a benefit
  • Interrogate them on their decision
  • Surveil their behavior or interaction with others

Do not discipline or dismiss an employee for exercising their legal right to participate in an informational picket. You must consult with HR prior to taking any type of disciplinary action.

Can employees wear buttons or insignia in support of the Union?

Employees are allowed to wear union buttons or insignia unless it interferes with an established, written dress code or has a safety implication. Consult HR before asking someone to remove union insignia and/or taking any action.

If any violation of these expectations occurs, a record of the incidents should be made and reported to Human Resources at

In the event of an emergency threatening the safety of property or persons, the aggrieved person or a witness should immediately report the behavior to ISU Police. ISU Police will continue to observe their normal procedures in these regards.